A blog which should have had a few good writeups.
0x0 When your hook doesn't work
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Instrumentating apps for fun and profit
A quick guide to start with frida828 words tutorial frida injection android windows Instrumentating apps for fun and profit
Vashisht CTF 2024
Writeups for Vashisht CTF 20241951 words writeup ctf iiitdm Vashisht CTF 2024
Some writeups in Jersey CTF 2024
Few writeups on Jersey CTF1478 words writeup ctf pwn rev Some writeups in Jersey CTF 2024
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Sleeper Challenges
When I messed up118 words rev python cpp frida Sleeper Challenges
Stack directions
Not so straightforward problem237 words basics c Stack directions
Why use NGL?
Your APIs are not hidden under CAPTCHA513 words ngl api ddos Why use NGL?
cmd.exe: cd
When you can cd into another folder with an exe781 words windows cmd cpp crt cmd.exe: cd
Removing console window
My first open source contribution929 words scoop windows pwsh exe Removing console window
Analyze Python Binaries
Unworthy blackboxes781 words python re cpp work-in-progress Analyze Python Binaries
Compile Python Scripts into Executables
Can work as a theory lesson1114 words scratch python meson Compile Python Scripts into Executables